Sláinte Sea Moss

Brand Development, Logo Design, Packaging Design, Product Label Design, Typogoraphy, Website Design and Build

Sláinte is an Irish based , health and wellness company specializing in organic Irish sea moss products. Alex Crapo’s role in the companies’ development was to create a brand style, design product labels, and build an e-commerce site.

Sláinte Website Design

Sláinte Website Design

Working with the Sláinte team, I was responsible for UI design, website aesthetic, and the full build of the e-commerce website. I continue to maintain and update the website with new content and promotions each month.

To view the full website go to: slá This site is being actively updated and maintained by me.

Sláinte Brand Development and Product Design

Sláinte Brand Development and Product Design

As a part of the company’s establishment, I served as creative director of the brand aesthetic as well as consulting on overall brand development. In addition to establishing a brand identity, I am lead designer for all current and new inventory, marketing materials, and company collateral. When not actively producing designs, I serve in an advisory capacity to the marketing team.